• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Aromatherapy Diffusers

A wonderful way to spread essential oils around your home or work is diffusers.  Just put a few drops of an oil in the diffuser and it spreads the scent and the germ-fighting around the room.  Below are a wide variety of diffusers I found online that could be used to get the aromatic and therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy to be a simple part of your life.I love my Himalayan salt aromatherapy lamp and the glow it casts. (Although I purchased all my diffusers from sources that are no longer available. I thought these links would give you an idea of how different diffusers work and how easy it can be to use essential oils for health and happiness!)

Himalayan Salt aromatherapy lamp


Candle aromatherapy diffuser


Fan diffuser


Source for electric and ceramic diffusers


Let me know if you have a favorite diffuser!

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