• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Craft Fair Friday December 1st. Come visit me!

Hello there!

I hope you are doing well.

I haven’t reached out for a long time, but I wanted to check in and let you know I will be selling my herbal products at the craft fair at Baystate Franklin medical center this Friday December 1st from 8 AM to 4 PM. 

This is the fair I did for years before the pandemic and it is finally back. I’ve been making products like crazy, including my CBD products which I cannot sell on Etsy (because they don’t allow any CBD products). I have a beautiful salve made with CBD infused olive oil, beeswax, coconut oil, and vitamin E and a pretty green glass jar and I have 2 ounce and 4 ounce bottles of balsam/CBD massage oil. 

Both of these items get rave reviews for helping with pain and inflammation. The massage oil is my go-to whenever I have a strain, ache or pain. 

It really is miraculous. 

I think the balsam and the CBD have a synergistic effect that makes it even more powerful.


I’ve also got really pretty magical bracelets made up of amethyst and other beautiful gemstones which also have a few absorbent lava beads that allow essential oil fragrance to diffuse around you. 


I’ve got bottled up oils for sale, like tangerine, lavender, peppermint, and lemon. Yum.

Also tick repellent, comfrey salve, roll ons and some fair trade madagascar vanilla extract (another item that Etsy doesn’t allow because Of the alcohol).

 So, I would love to see you at the fair! If not, you can reply to this email, if you would like any of these items while they last.

You can also check out my Etsy page and if you would like something there – either send me an email or purchase it online.  https://www.etsy.com/shop/CrowLadyHerbals

Things are hard in the world. 

I hope you’re finding time and patience to deal with that while also finding and creating joy in your life and the lives of those around you. I bet you are. 

Lots of love and stamina to you. XOXO.

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