• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Let’s VOTE and then get through this together!


I hope you are hanging in there.

Election day is finally here. It has been a really rough 4 years.

Here’s to getting through this next month with as much of our sanity, health and democracy intact.

Shit. Is. Hard. right now.

But what an incredible opportunity we have to vote and change things for the better.

Not perfect, but certainly better!

And then we can keep moving forward taking care of ourselves, each other and this planet we love.

And if things go terribly wrong we will do the same. We’ll keep taking care of ourselves, each other and this beautiful planet.

So, let’s get out there and vote and then keep breathing, being outside in nature, tapping, (I’ll probably be surreptitiously tapping in line on election day!) using aromatherapy, and doing whatever positive actions you do to keep yourself grounded and hopeful.

Speaking of tapping – I heard that some of you tried it and had good results. Let me know how it’s going or if you have any questions. As we head into this challenging winter, tapping is a tool that I think everyone should have handy. 

Here is a visual reminder of the points if you need a refresher.


Here are some last minute things you can do from the article “Trump’s Unserious Plan to Steal the Election” by Dan Pfeiffer https://messagebox.substack.com to get out the vote and win this thing!

  • In Minnesota, there are 385,000 absentee ballots out that still need to be dropped off. Help the Minnesota Democrats make some calls to remind folks to turn in their ballot here.
  • Our Voice Our Vote Arizona is hosting “Party at the Polls” events in historically low-turnout communities of color during early voting and on Election Day in Arizona. These events will combine music, food, and free PPE giveaways, for the community. Additionally, people will be able to visit and cast their vote at the polling locations within walking distance from the party. You can contribute to these efforts here.

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