• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Tap before you fight!

I was GRUMPY last night! It was a challenging night at work, ending with an uncomfortable discussion. Then I came home at midnight to find furniture-moving had occurred at home – without my input.  Oooh – I was so mad that I almost woke up my family at 1am and asked them why they had rearranged my study in a certain way.
I was like this goat at the Heath Fair; ready to bite. I could not settle down and go to sleep.
Thank goodness for EFT/Tapping. I came downstairs and started to quietly pace and tap on the spots, feeling very justified in my anger and frustration but feeling so uncomfortable that I wanted to do something to relieve the seething.  Well, after several minutes of tapping and pacing and mumbling to myself I realized that maybe I was over-reacting a bit. Then after a few more minutes of tapping I felt more settled and realized that I was actually upset about the interaction at work, but hadn’t wanted to admit it.  So, then I tapped a bit more and paced a little slower.  It was about 10-15 minutes of tapping (with the dog eyeing me from her bed) and by the end I was sleepy and no longer annoyed. I knew I could talk to everyone involved in the morning and that everything was fine.
That’s pretty amazing.
In 15 minutes I diffused something that was really disturbing me and I felt dramatically better-almost content.
I could have fretted and seethed for days, missed a night of sleep, turned interactions and events that had little to do with me into something they weren’t and had a fit. Then I would have had to untangle everything. Uggh.
But instead I got to go to sleep.
Hooray for tapping!
It made me realize how grateful I am to have such a great tool in dealing with the challenges of living.  The results really can be astonishing. I see it work with clients, friends and family on issues big and small, but even I was surprised to feel so much better so quickly.
So, if you need a nudge to start tapping – I’m nudging you.
Here are the points again
Here’s a fun article about a medical resident discovering tapping and the wonder that it works!
I’ll send a video next week when the kids are back in school!
Let me know how the tapping goes by
or commenting on the blog.
(Saturday is the full moon! It was beautiful in the cloudy sky last night and I’m looking forward to a full moon canoe ride with my sister this weekend!
The Moon class is going to be held by phone on Mondays at 8pm for 9 weeks starting September 7th. I will send along sign-up information to those of you who have expressed interest in the next week. I can’t wait to get started! The weekly classes will be recorded so if you can’t make that time; don’t worry. I’ll send everyone in the class the replay. There will be weekly emails, fun “homework” and opportunity to ask questions, share and give feedback. There will also be a fun goodie back with some lunar gifties coming your way once you sign up.
If you want to join the class and haven’t let me know already just send me an email or give me a call.

crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529)


Pear tree in the rain

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