• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Signs of Spring!

It’s going to be cold and sleeting out today. Uggh! But yesterday there were signs of spring everywhere. Pansies for sale yesterday at Hadley Garden Center for $1.88 (until 4/12).  The greenhouse smelled delicious and all the flowers were wobbling bravely in the cold breeze.

There was a firefly! on my car window. It’s difficult to even imagine firefly nights, but here’s a sign they exist.



P1060621and of course the beautiful transient pussy willow! Yes, the male catkin from a tree in the poplar family, but also a very fuzzy and sweet sign of spring! And I saw my second Great Blue Heron flying overhead yesterday, too. And as I write this in the pre-dawn I just heard a song sparrow singing! Take heart! Warm spring breezes must be coming soon.


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