• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Staying sane this summertime.


It has been so long since I last wrote.

What a strange and challenging time this is.

I hope you are making it through as best you can. 

I have many emails half-written to you in my head, but to write them all would take more time than I have and probably more time than you have to read! 

So, I am going to get back in the swing with a quick note. 

In this time of unprecedented stress, overwhelm and information overload it is no surprise that I will recommend going outside as much as humanly possible.


After working three days in a row at the hospital, keeping up on the news and trying to function like a normal human; I find that all I can bear is to go sit outside or walk slowly with the dog. It feels like I am re-calibrating myself to the outside world and into a pace that is more humane for my animal body and my soul. 


It is my hope that you are also getting outside. I know the Northeast has been uncomfortably hot. I find that I must go out in the early morning or as the sun is setting, but whatever you can do to get out, take advantage of it!

Something I have to offer you that goes along with my encouragement to get out is my herbal tick repellent!

I made a big batch of it in the spring, but then it  took me so long to write this to you that most of it has been bought up by people who reach out to me to get their annual order!  But. I have 7 bottles left. Email or text me and let me know if you’d like a bottle. (If I get a big demand I will order some more bottles and make up a new batch.)

It smells wonderful and helps keep away ticks and mosquitoes.


Let me know if you would like some and we can figure out a way for me to get it to you.

Also, let me know how you are doing during this crazy time.

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