• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

Tap to release with the moon.

The waning moon was setting the beautiful sky this morning! I love knowing the rhythms of the moon and where she is in her monthly journey when I spot her in the sky. The 9 week Moon class I’ve been teaching is wrapping up next week and I’ve learned so much, I can’t wait to offer it again and to spend more time with other interested people immersed in learning about the moon.
What we focused on this week is waning portion of the moon cycle, which is when the moon is shrinking from full back to a dark new moon (as it does every month). It is a time of letting go. It is a great time to ride this energy, almost like riding a wave into shore when you’re surfing (or boogie boarding :)) You can get much farther in your releasing if you use the energy of the moon. Also, the moon is a wonderful reminder of the constant cycles of life: birth, life, death, renewal and then around again to birth.
So, because it’s a great time to ride the wave of Earth and Lunar energy and let things go I made a tapping video for you. You can tap any of the tapping spots (Powerful points at the end of our energy meridians) and talk or think about what you want to release.
I’ve been using it successfully with clients and myself in the past week to clear so much: physical pain, painful memories, resistance to exercise, general sadness and overwhelm, hurt over a painful break-up, and anxiety about money. Let that stuff go and let calm and peace come and take it’s place!
Quick tapping to release overwhelm
Quick tapping to release overwhelm

Hope that quick reminder helps you let go of anything that is ready to be released, like these milkweed seeds drifting off into the air,

Have a great week!

 Any questions? Email me at crowladyhealing@gmail.com, give me a call (413-325-4529)or come on over to the blog and leave a comment http://crowladyhealing.com/blog

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