• "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine!" - Buddha

November is here!

Hi there, Can you believe November is here? It’s been unseasonably warm these last few days in New England and it has been glorious. The sun shines through the yellow leaves and it’s just beautiful. I keep reminding myself to soak in these bright colorful days because soon the snow will fly! In…

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Happy Halloween!

Hi there, Hope you are doing well. It’s an exciting week having the big luscious full moon overhead throughout the week and then Halloween this weekend. I love this time of year; the smell of the leaves, the cool nights, the costume planning and pumpkin carving! How about you? Halloween…

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Happy Fall!

Fall arrived on Wednesday in the wee hours of the morning. Here in New England the nights are already getting colder and the trees are starting to lose their bright green. This morning it was 47 degrees and I was tempted to turn on the heat! (I didn’t. Not quite,…

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